Jonathan Grado

Photographer, Creative Director

Brooklyn, NY

9:33:14 am

Overthinking at 3am.

Mentioned in Chicago Tribune Story

Mentioned in Chicago Tribune Story

Mentioned in Chicago Tribune Story

“...Jonathan is quite an accomplished photographer. He uses an X-T2 and you can see some of his images at As you will see, in the hands of a skilled photographer the X-T2 can create exquisite images.”
— Chicago Tribune

I was just emailed a heads-up that I was included in this Chicago Tribune story on Fuji cameras and photography. I've been using a Fuji X-T1/X-T2 for the past few years for everything. While seeing some friends 50 megapixel photos blown up makes me a little envious, I've been addicted to the nimbleness and color reproduction of my X-T2.

Update: While originally printed in The Chicago Tribune, it seems like the online link has been changed a few times but this one hasn't so I'll just leave it here.


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